Mahalaya Amavasya Tila Homa by Swamini Ambikamrita Prana

Pujas performed on the day of Mahalaya Amavasya, also called Sarva Pitra Moksha Amavasya, are considered most beneficial for deceased family members and ancestors, regardless of when they passed away. On this day, Wednesday, October 2nd, from 5.30-8.00 am Pacific Time, Swamini Ambikamrita Prana will be conducting a Tila Homa (Vedic fire ceremony) at MA Center, San Ramon to pay homage to departed souls. All are welcome to attend.

In keeping with Amma's wish that Homas for her devotees who have passed away be performed periodically, MA Center will make a special sankalpa for them during the Tila Homa.

The following will be included in the Homa and are available to register for a sankalpa (special resolve) to be made during the homa on your behalf, or for a loved one. Please note that those who register for sankalpa do not need to be present to receive the benefits of the Homa:

Tila Homa: For individual departed souls, to be performed 45 days after death or later, or for peace of one's ancestors and to receive the blessings of ancestors. $190

Maha Ganapathy Homa: If suffering from losses, when starting a new business or investments, when getting married, or to remove obstacles. Also, for birthdays: $130

Ganapathy Homa: For positive vibrations in the house, when starting new ventures such as a new job, or generally to remove obstacles. $65

Navagraha Homa: For all nine planets: $250

Pujas for Individual Planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu. $35 per planet.

Venue: M.A. Center San Ramon, 10200 Crow Canyon Road, Castro Valley, CA 94552


Performed by: Swamini Ambikamrita Prana

Swamini Ambikamrita Prana


Date and time
Cut-off date for online order

Wed, Oct 02, 2024
05:30 AM PDT

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Tue, Oct 01, 2024
05:30 PM PDT

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All donations for the pujas are used to support Amma's numerous humanitarian projects and also to cover the expenses associated with performing the pujas.