Tuesday, Dec. 31, at 5:00 pm Central Time, Swamini Ambikamrita Prana will perform a traditional Kerala style puja ceremony dedicated to Saraswati Devi at MA Center Chicago to celebrate the New Year. Devotional chants and bhajans will accompany the puja. All are welcome to attend.
Saraswati is a symbol of purity, wisdom, harmony and creativity. Saraswati puja is performed to gain material and spiritual knowledge, intellectual growth, wisdom and meaningful creativity in artistic pursuits and personal development.
To register for a sankalpa (special intention) to be made on your behalf, or for a loved one, during the puja, please sign up using the link provided below. The suggested donation for a special intention is $65.
Venue: M.A. Center Chicago
Contact: macenterchicago@ammagroups.org
Click here to register for a sankalpa
Registration is currently closed, please contact macenterchicago@ammagroups.org if you need assistance
Performed by: Swamini Ambikamrita Prana
All donations for the pujas are used to support Amma's numerous humanitarian projects and also to cover the expenses associated with performing the pujas.